Aviation Safety & Security

Our Aviation Safety and Security Courses are designed to produce well-rounded and expert aviation professionals who know how to respond to any crisis, emergency and security issue. Participants gain safety insights and knowledge to plan, develop and design systems that enforce tighter security and safety in airports. Some of our Aviation Safety and Security Courses:

Introduction to SMS

The Introduction to SMS is an entry level course expected to provide the learners with essential awareness and knowledge about safety management systems pertinent to aviation and its implementation. The 5 day…


Introduction to Human Factors

The Introduction to Human Factors is an entry level course expected to provide the learners with essential awareness and knowledge about Human Factors pertinent to aviation. The 3 day course is a…


ICAO Basic Security For Airport Personnel

The course is designed to train base or entry level airport security personnel to enforce, monitor and apply airport security measures in accordance with locally approved programmes, and to communicate and cooperate…


ICAO Aviation Security Management

The course will train aviation security personnel at managerial level to plan, coordinate and implement the application of airport security preventive measures in accordance with the approved programs.…


Aviation Security Awareness

This course is mandatory for all airport personnel with access to airside. It is required for initial training as well as for refresher sessions every 36 months as per the UAE National…


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